Logan Kalkowski

Logan Kalkowski

Logan Kalkowski

Hometown: Omaha, Neb.
Major: Agribusiness Banking & Finance
Minor: Engler Entrepreneurship
Graduation Date: Dec. 2018

What is your story?

Dream. Design. Build. Adjust. Refine. Life for me has been a series of events that have allowed me to grow. Throughout my childhood I spent many hours outdoors enjoying the summer suns and the fall leaves learning how to be thankful for the land we are able to grow and prosper on. As I went through high school, I spent many days working on our family ranching operation and finding ways to improve a process, solve a problem and build a lasting product. While installing cross fences, rotating cattle, managing feed resources I have been able to see what God intended to happen on this land. To be able to live from the land and build it to provide for our communities and each other. As I entered into college, I was able to take the experience I had encountered and reflect on different ways to make a lasting impact. One way I saw most fit was to grow the industry around agricultural land when it is not being fully utilized like it is in the other parts of the year. When we are not growing a plant in our soil, we are keeping the soil from continuing its natural design of continuously growing something for the best and most fulfilling return out of the soil. What was really cool to me was that the soil is a two way street. Not only can Ag producers gain from the growth of forage at all times of the year, but the soil can benefit because it allows microbes to continue to grow and add nutrients to the soil and replenish those lost by crops harvested throughout the year.

What is your business?

Farmers and Ranches across the country are looking for ways to improve their bottom lines and get the most out of our resources without damaging the future. A large part of agriculture is centered around the land we grow crops on. We need to be able to utilize this resource to the best of our ability. A way that I believe can help make a huge impact on the industry is by creating a business around applying cover crops to fields not in a growing season in a much more efficient and effective way. I am currently pursuing my Master's Degree at UNL

Who is your entrepreneurial inspiration OR biggest hero?

Grandfather Lawrence Kalkowski

What advice would you give to a student starting their entrepreneurial journey?

Do not designate you path through life now, let the winding road drift you in different directions and look for opportunity in all twists and corners. You never know where or what you will be doing when you "grow up"

What has been your favorite "Engler Experience" to date?

Engler Bus Trip in 2016 to Garden City Coop, Garden City, KS and Amarillo, Texas visiting West Texas Enterprise Center and Cactus Feeders.

What has been the biggest hurdle or struggle you've dealt with in your entrepreneurial journey?

The biggest hurdle in the development of the business and product has been being able to find the way to improve the cover crop industry and allow farmers and ranchers to improve their bottom line in the most efficient and cost effective way.

Logan Kalkowski
Logan Kalkowski
Logan Kalkowski